Blog with information about sun protection, products, and news.
Here you will find tips for your beach stay, gift ideas, information about skin cancer and aging, and how you can avoid them.
We also report on our news, new products, and insights, but also on sustainability, development, and other topics related to UV protection, sun, and fun in the sun.
UV-Schutzkleidung hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen, insbesondere im Arbeitsumfeld. Die Gefahren der UV-Strahlung sind nicht nur auf die Freizeit beschränkt, sondern betreffen auch den Arbeitsalltag.
UV protective clothing has evolved from a purely functional necessity to a fashion must-have. Originally intended as protection for people who spend a lot of time outdoors, the importance of UV clothing has grown considerably in recent years.
Extreme athletes are often exposed to intense weather conditions where protection from UV rays is crucial. Sun exposure harbours risks ranging from short-term sunburns to long-term skin damage such as skin cancer.
The technology of UV protective clothing has developed considerably in recent years. Current UV protective textiles already offer effective protection against the sun's harmful rays.
The sun can be just as harmful to our pets as it is to us humans. UV rays harbour the risk of skin damage, which can lead to serious health problems. Animals with light-coloured or thin coats are particularly susceptible to sunburn and long-term skin damage.
On the building site and in the trades, occupational safety is a particular challenge. Sun protection has been part of occupational safety for years!